Other Furniture Items

Wall panels are popular but often get a bad rap. This is because so many companies use poor quality materials that not only look cheap and tacky but that can also be easily damaged. However, our well-made Zarra wall panels that are designed and installed with expertise can really transform a space from uninspiring to character-rich.

Paneling is not just for walls either — decorative panels can be used for a variety of interior design purposes, such as custom furniture, closets and cabinetry. Using Zarra panels, one can completely style the furniture of your home in a unique way without breaking the budget.

Some of the best paneling materials are:

Natural wood is one of the most popular wall paneling materials because it adds a good dose of warmth, richness and elegance to the space. The best part is that it can be sanded, sealed and polished to retain its original look.

HDHMR/MDF panel is a budget-friendly material because it is manufactured by combining small pieces of wood and resins under high heat and pressure. Since MDF is a tractable material, one can achieve interesting patterns, designs and textures on it.

Stone Veneer is a new innovative thin and flexible product for any type of interior or exterior application. It is crafted with natural stone, using modern technology. Our extensive range of thin, natural stone veneers are a perfect fit for any project.


*We provide panels in raw form


It used in sparing quantities, much like fingernail polish. Modelers and hobbyists frequently use enamel paint to add vivid colors and durability to small crafts.


It offers a huge area for its application involving wooden furniture, automobile body, plywood and architectural and industrial metal structures.


Highly-resistant coating used in industrial and architectural coating systems. It is used for numerous applications including coatings and varnishes.